Thursday, October 2, 2014

Genner and Castagna recommend benchtop design

Delivered by trustworthy construction in Cambodia construction materials, for those who have a hard time deciding what kind of design to with your benchtops, designed experts Darren Genner’s and Simona Castagna’s statement can enlighten your path.

Genner stated that the tops design should be determined according to the plan and layout of the kitchen design. "For example, the benchtops in a large kitchen or in a kitchen that's part of a large open-plan living area can seem more in proportion with the rest of the space when they are made of a thicker or chunkier material. On the other hand, a smaller space may look better with a slimmer, more refined material," he said.

"The type of material often dictates the most appropriate thickness for the top, so this should also be considered when making your selection." he continued.

"Color, too, is often suggested by the design. A white kitchen always feels larger and lighter, while a darker kitchen can be moody. It all depends on what you want to achieve for your home," Simona Castagna added.

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