Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bidets a key for the green environment

As far as anyone concerns, Justin Thomas, editor of, has suggested that bidets is a key factor to environmental saving, as furniture shop in Cambodia construction materials reported.
His said that the use of bidet could help reduce toilet paper consumptions especially America since they use 36.5 billion bundles of it per year.

He added that by decreasing toilet paper usage, it helps reduced at least 15 million trees that are used to produce the paper, million gallons of water, thousand tons of chlorine, energy conduction as well as other materials involved in the manufacturing and transferring of the paper.

Toilet paper usage fans argue that bidet waste water resource, however; a study shows that this effect less than using toilet paper to clean up. Also, using water is more healthful than the paper.
Currently, bidets are becoming more and more popular except in North America, which is why Thomas helps promoting the use of bidet in hope that the US will help save environment like most of the countries in the globe.

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